After filling out the following form please fax it to us at:

Private and Confidential
Payment Guarantee - Credit Card Authorization Form
Fax Date: My Tour Code:

____________________________________ (Please write tour operator's name)
Individual Travelers Department, CITS Guilin, 11 Binjiang Rd, Guilin, China, 541002
Fax: ++86-773-2827182

From: ______________________________________ (Your name)

Your address: ________________________________

This is to guarantee my payment of my order from CITS (China International Travel Service) Guiln when CITS Guilin has confirmed my booking as what we have agreed.

To Bank of China:
I hereby authorize CITS Guilin, to charge an amount of US$___ (30% of the total) from my Credit Card as a deposit for my Tour to China.
CITS Guilin, has the right to charge amount of US$___(70% of the total) from my Credit Card as the down payment for my Tour to China after ________ (15 days ahead of the departure date) when my balance is due.

Special note: $100 of the deposit will not be refundable if you cancel the booking.

CITS Guilin has the copies of my card, the number, and expiration date as you can find below.

Credit Card Type: ________________________

Card Holder's Name: _____________________

Card Holder's Birth Date (M - D - Y): _____________________________

Nationality: _____________________________

Credit Card Number: ____________________________________________

Expire Date (M / Y): ___________ / ___________

Issuing Bank of your credit card: ___________________________________

Billing address: _____________________________________________

Phone number: ___________________________

Passport number: _________________________

Signature: _______________________________

Please kindly sign by the cardholder and fax back to us at: (++86) 773-2827182.
The Bank of China requests a photocopy of both the back and front of your credit card CLEARLY. Please put it at the space below, or make it on a separate paper.

Copy of your credit card (front)
Copy of your credit card (Back)

Remarks: Please kindly fax back your completed and signed Credit Card Authorization Form to us within three working days; otherwise, we will not be able to confirm your reservation.

Please do not send sensitive personal or confidential information via email.